Herr Paul Bräuer
Telefon: +49 30 31861448
Tagung/ Kongress
Classical:NEXT 2025
Anfangsdatum: 12.05.2025 00:00
Enddatum: 15.05.2025 00:00
Location: Colosseum (Gleimstraße 33, 10437 Berlin), Holzmarkt 25 (Holzmarktstraße 25, 10243 Berlin)
Veranstaltungsort: Berlin
Teilnahmekosten: 100€-490€
As the largest international event for classical and art music professionals, Classical:NEXT offers exceptional opportunities. Build valuable business relationships and network at the Expo, gain deep insights and practical, tailored advice at the Conference, and explore innovative artists and initiatives from around the world at the Showcases.
Whether you’re looking to learn about the latest trends in marketing and audience outreach, explore new management strategies, stay informed on key developments in the industry, from education to sustainability, or bring your next project to life, Classical:NEXT will give you the connections and the inspiration to take the next steps.
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