Chausseestrasse 56
10115 Berlin
10115 Berlin
Frau mag. Ying WANG
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freie Mitarbeit
Freiberufliche*r Kulturmanager*in für Künstlerin
Region: Berlin
Anstellungsart: Honorarbasis
Karrierestufe: Fortgeschritten
Tätigkeitsbeginn: 20.11.2024
Position: Mitarbeiter/in
Sparte: Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft
Tätigkeitsbereich: Projektmanagement
Vergütung: 6 bis 10 stunden pro woche - 700Euro Basis.
Bewerbungsart: online
Bewerbungsende: 20.12.2024
Job Posting: Personal Assistant to a composer, focus on worldwide promotion
Location: Berlin/Germany/Europe (or remote)
Job Description:
I am seeking a professional, experienced, and passionate personal assistant who is familiar with the classical and contemporary music scenes to support the worldwide promotion of my artistic works. The ideal candidate will have experience in music institutions and festival planning, with a focus on widen the international exposure of my work.
Key Responsibilities:
- Develop and implement marketing and PR strategies to enhance global visibility.
- Organize and coordinate international tours, performances, and partnerships.
- Establish relationships with key figures in cultural institutions, media, and the art world.
- Write and release press statements, and interact with media to ensure coverage.
- Experience in art promotion or cultural management.
- Strong communication and writing skills.
- Creative thinker with innovative promotion strategies.
- Exceptional organizational and multitasking abilities.
- Flexibility to travel internationally and adapt to varying working hours.
- Knowledge of the global classical and contemporary music scene.
We Offer:
- International working environment.
- Opportunities to work with renowned artists and cultural institutions in the world of classical and contemporary music.
- CompeMMve compensaMon starMng at 700 euros per month for 5 to 10 hours per week, with flexible adjustments based on project involvement and professional background.
Application Method:
Please send an email with your resume, cover letter, and if possible, work examples of press statements, promo materials you have created before.
Contact Information:
About me: Renowned composer with an Asian background, currently based in Berlin. More details will be provided upon application.
November 15, 2024
Abonnement abschließen und Rabatt auf digitalen Bewerbungsleitfaden sichern!
Mit einem Abonnement für den Stellenmarkt Kulturmanagement erhalten Sie 5 Euro Rabatt auf unseren Leitfaden "Erfolgreich bewerben. In 7 Schritten den Bewerbungsprozess meistern"!
Ähnliche Inhalte
Arts Manager*in02.12.2024
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