Sculpture Quadriennal Riga 2008

The Centre for Art Management and Information (MMIC) invites artists to submit proposals for DICTATORSHIP OF THE MAJORITY - SCULPTURE QUADRENNIAL RIGA 2008, an open-air contemporary art exhibition that will take place in Riga, Latvia August 29 October 10, 2008. The exhibition is a starting point for the dialogue between general public, society and art professionals on the issue of contemporary public art and its role in the urban culture of the city of Riga.

Dieser Beitrag stammt von unserer internationalen Plattform Arts Management Network:

Since 1972 SCULPTURE QUADRENNIAL RIGA has been the biggest regular contemporary art exhibition in Latvia organised every four years in the city of Riga. Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia has recognised SCULPTURE QUADRENNIAL RIGA as the cultural event of national and international importance and approved the Centre for Art Management and Information (MMIC) as the management structure for the event in 2008.

The Centre for Art Management and Information (MMIC) organised also EUROPEAN SPACE SCULPTURE QUADRENNIAL RIGA 2004. The exhibition was curated by artists Aigars Bikse and Kristaps Gulbis, involving 75 artists and partner institutions from 25 European countries.

Exhibition concept
The Sculpture Quadrennial Riga 2008 is contemporary art event in urban public space of Riga City seeking experimental and innovative cooperation forms between different social groups to develop active civil society. The main objective of DICATORSHIP OF THE MAJORITY - SCULPTURE QUADRENNIAL RIGA 2008 is to encourage dialogue between art professionals and consumers of the public art.
The event fosters understanding and links between the centre and periphery in contemporary art. THE SCULPTURE QUADRENNIAL RIGA 2008 aims at breaking down elitism in art and culture space through openness and culture accessibility, involving groups of the society whose environment rarely is a site for contemporary art practice. The main interests of the event are emotions and lifestyle of the residents of marginal and disadvantaged city areas instead of the identification of particular city space.

Latgale suburb of Riga City the venue of the exhibition DICATORSHIP OF THE MAJORITY - SCULPTURE QUADRENNIAL RIGA 2008 contains the processes and historical proofs that have not been considered as topical in contemporary centralised culture space. The Sculpture Quadrennial Riga 2008 aims to re-discover these lost territories, looking for material and nonmaterial cultural values, as well as strengthening the cooperation links between the society in centre and periphery.

Jury consisting of 10 members will select artworks for the exhibition. The selected artworks will be temporarily installed in public space in Latgale suburb of Riga City. The jury members will be approved by The Centre for Art Management and Information (MMIC) based on open competition announced for inhabitants of the City of Riga. The list of the approved jury members will be published on the web site of SCULPTURE QUADRENNIAL RIGA 2008 on 17 March, 2008.

The Centre for Art Management and Information (MMIC)


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