
SHOWTECH 2011 with new themes and formats

From the Eurovision Song Contest to international projects for theatre renovation and construction through to crowd management next year, SHOWTECH 2011 will present new themes and formats in Berlin from 7 to 9 June. For the first time, the accompanying conference will be complemented by a new, open forum. The technical tours, the excursions to stages in the capital, will be expanded, and more space will be devoted to the topic of event safety both on the programme and in the exhibition area.

Dieser Beitrag stammt von unserer internationalen Plattform Arts Management Network:

As the World Forum for the Stage, SHOWTECH is the international market leader in the segment of stage technology. As the international trade fair for stage and event technology, equipment and event services, however, SHOWTECH also showcases new products and product developments in professional lighting technology, audio and media technology. 350 exhibitors from 25 countries are expected at the Berlin Exhibition Centre. 70 percent of the exhibition area has already been booked eight months before the start of SHOWTECH. But not just the halls are filling up. The programme is taking shape as well.
DTHG Conference with DTHG Forum

As the institutional patron of SHOWTECH, the DTHG (Deutsche Theatertechnische Gesellschaft) will again host the accompanying conference this year. The core element will be the new DTHG Forum which, designed as an open lecture forum and located in Hall 4, will be open to all visitors to the trade fair.
The range of topics extends from alterations, renovations and new constructions of theatres, stages and workshops to temporary stages or radio frequencies through to the Eurovision Song Contest. Speakers will also look at international projects, for instance in China, the Netherlands or Oman. The conference programme will be accompanied by workshops and meetings of inspectors, master tradesmen, workshop managers and safety engineers.
More information: http://www.showtech.de


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