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Constance DeVeraux, Steffen Höhne, Martin Tröndle, Anke Schad-Spindler, Tal Feder

Transformation and Upheavals: The Effects of Crises and Conflicts on the Arts

Verlag: Transcript Verlag
ISBN: 9783837653908
Seitenzahl: 236
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 15.12.2021
Sparte: spartenübergreifend
Kategorie: Zeitschrift (Softcover)
Journal of Cultural Management and Cultural Policy/Zeitschrift für Kulturmanagement und Kulturpolitik: Vol. 7, Issue 2
The Journal of Cultural Management and Cultural Policy offers international perspectives on a wide range of issues in cultural management and cultural policy research and practice.

This issue looks at the effects political upheavals and processes of social transformation have on the conditions for cultural production, dissemination, education, policy, and management. The transfer from one political party to another, even when it occurs through legitimate political processes, can mean the difference between funding and lack of funding, restrictive versus liberal policies, or freedom of expression and censorship. The 1989 transformations in Central and Eastern Europe are one example among many others. Current upheavals in many countries have major implications for cultural management and politics given that artistic autonomy is at risk or already restricted with the potential to fundamentally reorder the cultural field. The contributors confront and reflect upon instances of political upheaval and social change that have had a pronounced effect on the arts.

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