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Johannes Salim Ismaiel-Wendt, Andi Schoon (eds.)

Postcolonial Repercussions: On Sound Ontologies and Decolonised Listening

Verlag: transcript
ISBN: 978-3837662528
Seitenzahl: 186
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 12.05.2022
Sparte: Musik
Kategorie: Buch (Softcover)
Can sound be perceived independently of its social dimension? Or is it always embedded in a discursive network? »Postcolonial Repercussions« explores these questions in form of a collective conversation. The contributors have collected sound stories and sound knowledge from Brazil to Morocco, listened to resonances from the Underground and the Pacific Ocean, from Popular Music and speech recognition. The anthology gathers heterogeneous approaches to emancipatory forms of ontological listening as well as pleas for critical fabulation and a practice of care. It tells us about opportunities, perspectives and the (im)possibility of decolonised listening.

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